you matter
Our mission is to unlock political power.
We believe political power doesn’t only come in dollars and cents, and that you hold more power than just your vote. Your political power is intertwined with every relationship you have, every person who cares about you, every friend and family member who is invested in what’s moving through your life and what’s moving you.
The relationships you have are the reason someone picks up the phone when you call, hears what you have to say when you speak, considers your point of view when you offer a different perspective.
You matter to them, so the things that matter to you matter to them, too.
That makes you powerful.
There’s too much at stake to leave anything on the table. We have the power we need — in the relationships we already have — to create the future we all want to live in.

our values
We believe you deserve a seat at the table where the future is being decided. What you think matters. What you do matters. Your voice matters.
you matter
Because every voice matters, we have to work especially hard to reach those whose political power has been blocked, locked or suppressed due to laws, political campaigns or the legacy of our shared history.
unlocking power
We believe that real change requires organized power. What you do matters, and what you do in organization with others matters even more.
Organized power
Even when power is organized, change is hard. The stakes are too high to give up, even when it feels impossible.
We persist.
being relentless
progressive values
We are in service to the progressive movement.